September 12th, 2021
2 minute read
Have you ever wondered why you sometimes have trouble sleeping at night? why your brain suddenly floods with all the bad memories and feelings of the day? Its becoming a massive problem in our society today. We spend so much of our day from screen to screen that we never have time to sit and think, because we dare not face the demons and memories we've been avoiding. So naturally, these memories creep up on us right when we're ready to lay our heads down and catch some Z's.
Unfortunately, many of us turn back to the source of our problems when we can't sleep and then it just turns into one big, vicious circle.
There are days you'll feel really down, as if the world turned its back on you. Then there are days you feel euphoric , on top of the world. You think to yourself "Why don't I feel like this every day?"
Instead of remaining oblivious as to why you feel good or bad, why not write it down? There is a reason why psychiatrists continuously prescribe journaling to their patients. Think about it, why do you see them always holding a notebook and pen during the therapy sessions?
By recording and analysing your thoughts and feels, you begin to notice patterns, trends and triggers. Think of it like a science experiment, except you're the subject. These patterns will make you realise that there is an intimate relationship between your repeated behaviours and the way that they make you feel.
Weather its been a great day , a terrible one, or an average one, record it. All information is good information, so why not use this to your advantage and watch your life dramatically improve. Believe me, one of the most satisfying feelings is reading back at year-old journal entries and realising how much you achieved.
The medium you use doesn't even have to be pen and paper. I use Notion to journal. You could use the notes app on your phone or record your speech. Materialise those heavy thoughts on paper and trap them there forever, trust me, it truly is liberating.
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